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Saturday, July 16, 2005

Some Good News From the Ummah

You may have missed this amidst the media's euphoria over Bush's declining approval ratings, and the journalistic masturbation about what Karl Rove did or did not leak, but Bin Laden's Poll Numbers are heading south, and jihad's going out of fashion. Of course, according to the ABC, the Age, the Sydney Morning Herald, and SBS, we are losing the War on Terror. Feh.

The money quote:

"These are eye-catching results, but not surprising," said Augustus Richard Norton, a Middle East specialist at Boston University. "Muslims, like non-Muslims, are plugged into the world. . . . It is one thing to be caught up in the supposed glamour of attacking the superpower or global bully, but it is quite another to have to pay the consequences economically, politically -- not to mention personally. This is what has happened in places like Indonesia, Morocco, Pakistan and Turkey, where many people now see extremist Islam as a threat to their lives, not a fantasy game of kick Uncle Sam."

On the other hand:

The Muslims surveyed had mixed views on Christians, and anti-Jewish sentiment was "endemic," the survey reported.

Plus ça change...


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