Appeasing Allah

As Allah's "warriors" self-detonate for a second time in Bali, Hitchens exposes the leftist fraud that is the "peace movement".
Mark Steyn, as usual, says it well when he exposes the west's suicidal respect for the Mohammedan faith, in this article:
.....When the Queen knights a Muslim "community leader" whose line on the Rushdie fatwa was that "death is perhaps too easy", and when the Prime Minister has a Muslim "adviser" who is a Holocaust-denier and thinks the Iraq war was cooked up by a conspiracy of Freemasons and Jews, and when the Prime Minister's wife leads the legal battle for a Talibanesque dress code in British schools, you don't need a pig to know which side's bringing home the bacon.
Piglet is deeply offensive and so's your chocolate ice-cream, but if a West End play opens with a gay Jesus, Christians just need to stop being so doctrinaire and uptight. The Church of England bishops would probably agree with that if, in their own misguided attempt at Islamic outreach, they weren't so busy apologising for toppling Saddam.
When every act that a culture makes communicates weakness and loss of self-belief, eventually you'll be taken at your word. In the long term, these trivial concessions are more significant victories than blowing up infidels on the Tube or in Bali beach restaurants. An act of murder demands at least the pretence of moral seriousness, even from the dopiest appeasers. But small acts of cultural vandalism corrode the fabric of freedom all but unseen.
He asks the obvious question:
By the way, isn't it grossly offensive to British Wahhabis to have a head of state who is female and uncovered?
CNN is asking whether it is time to change the English Flag, to appease the Mohammedans.
The television news in Australia has been editorialising as to the "inexplicable" nature of terrorism. Wrong. Islamists kill for Allah; they want to kill "infidels" and establish the Caliphate. We need to ask ourselves how consistant with western civilisation that is.
Hence the Cox and Forkum cartoon.
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