The Cartoon Jihad II

The above is courtesy of Filibuster Cartoons.
Cardinal Silvestrini (see Cartoon Jihad I) is doubless familiar with Dante's Inferno. I hope that linking to Canto XXVIII is not a mortal sin in his Koran-kissing interpretation of Catholicism!
At Ceperano where all the Apulians
Turned traitors, and those too from Tagliacozzo
Where old Alardo conquered without weapons,
And those who show their limbs run through and those
With limbs hacked off — they all could not have matched
The ninth pocket’s degraded state of grief.
Even a cask with bottom or sides knocked out
Never cracked so wide as one soul I saw
Burst open from the chin to where one farts.
His guts were hanging out between his legs;
His pluck gaped forth and that disgusting sack
Which turns to shit what throats have gobbled down.
While I was all agog with gazing at him,
He stared at me and, as his two hands pulled
His chest apart, cried, "Look how I rip myself!
"Look at how mangled is Mohammed here!
In front of me, Ali treks onward, weeping,
His face cleft from his chin to his forelock.
"And all the others whom you see down here
Were sowers of scandal and schism while
They lived, and for this they are rent in two.
"A devil goes in back here who dresses us
So cruelly by trimming each one of the pack
With the fine cutting edge of his sharp sword
"Whenever we come round this forlorn road:
Because by then our old wounds have closed up
Before we pass once more for the next blow.
What the heck! I'll even illustrate the Canto! Here's William Blake's depiction of Mohammed in Hell:
The following picture is a detail from an early Renaissance fresco in Bologna's Church of San Petronio, created by Giovanni da Modena and depicting Mohammed being tortured in Hell. This is the fresco that Islamists plotted to blow up in 2002.
Zombietime's Mohammed Image Archive has an excellent catalogue of depictions of Mohammed over the last 1400-odd years, from Islamic and Medieval Christian paintings, to South Park and the courageous Danish Jyllands-Posten cartoons. Have a look, while it's still legal.
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