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Friday, July 08, 2005

Galloway: It's Blair's Fault

Disgraceful "Respect" MP George Galloway has said that Londoners have "paid the price" for the UK Government's decision to commit troops to Iraq and Afghanistan, according to the Birmingham Post; quoth George:

"We urge the Government to remove people in this country from harm's way, as the Spanish government acted to remove its people from harm, by ending the occupation of Iraq and by turning its full attention to the development of a real solution to the wider conflicts in the Middle East."

"Only then will the innocents here and abroad be able to enjoy a life free of the threat of needless violence."

I see. The only way to be safe is to surrender to Islamist terror. That won't encourage them at all, will it?

For the uninitiated, the line about "turning [the Government's] full attention to the development of a real solution to the wider conflicts in the Middle East" is Galloway-speak for "screwing Israel over as hard as we can, and then some". Because, as everyone knows, Al Quaeda only wants to establish a worldwide Islamist Caliphate because there are Jews in the Middle East. You see, the argument goes, if we get rid of the pesky Red Sea Pedestrians, or at least put them in a position subservient to the Palestinian Authority (which would amount, in the end, to the same thing) Wahhabist Islam will stop trying to dominate the dar-al harb by evangelisation and the sword.

Isn't that obvious?!?


Blogger felix said...

Galloway is an enemy sympathizer.

8:16 AM  

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