Nationalize Our Losses, Privatize Our Profits
For a complete change of pace, have a look at this article by Alan Anderson in The Australian. For those non-Australians reading this blog, the National Party are often described as political conservatives by lazy media commentators. Whilst they are in coalition with the Liberal Party (whose own traditions are a mixture of classical liberalism and conservatism), the Nationals are really better described as socially conservative agrarian socialists. In other words, the Nationals hate welfare, and state intervention in the economy, except when the beneficiaries are farmers.
Anyway, the newest National Party Senator has made himself the poster-boy of the urban left, by espousing, of all things, Compulsory Student Unionism, a contemptible rort that basically involves the Federal & State Governments forcing students to fund extreme-left activism and unwanted student services by forcing them to join Student Unions.
A less charitable observer might be tempted to remark that the irony of the situation is that most National Party Senators, and indeed, many National Party voters, would have trouble spelling "university", let alone have any real experience of the sort of far left dreck that students are forced to pay for by this excreable legislation. But that would be beneath me.
Suffice it to say, the National Party has never been afraid of electing boobs, and to that extent, I suppose, Senator Joyce is part of a long and ignoble Australian tradition. It is distressing, beyond measure to see this man feted by urban leftists as some sort of folk hero, for his espousal of such an indefensible cause.
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