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Saturday, October 08, 2005

Cognitive Dissonance: Turkeys for Christmas and Queers for "Palestine"

Zombietime lambasts "Queers for Palestine", otherwise known as "Queers Undermining Israeli Terror", pointing out that Israel, unlike the Palestinian Authority does not persecute homosexuals, and certainly does not punish gay sex with the death penalty. As he correctly points out, most queers in "Palestine" are desparately trying to escape to the "Zionist Entity", and it ain't for the gefilte fish. Zombietime concludes:

This is the essence of cognitive dissonance -- the condition of holding two differing beliefs that are so incompatible and contradictory that the only way to internally reconcile them is to, well, go insane (to use the layman's term). Because, try as I might, I can't comprehend any other justification for being a member of QUIT other than insanity.

I have heard such people justify support for the Arab cause on a number of bases; somewhat respectable ones, such as "Arab denial of gay rights does not negate the objective justice of their claims vis-a-vis land in the territories" and silly, factually false ones that verge on antisemitic, ones such as "Arab intolerance is a result of the harsh treatment of the PLO Arabs by the Jewish State".

That said, the last thing the world needs is another State with a Shari'ah-based legal system, that forces women to wear sacks, stay in the home and submit to marital beatings, and stones people for having sex in a non-Shar'ee way.

However, that sort of hellish theocracy represents a vision of a "shining city on a hill" for a large number of Yesha Arabs.


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