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Sunday, August 21, 2005

Grief Curdled into Narcissistic Rage

Mark Steyn writes about the “at best a little unhinged by grief and at worst mentally ill”, Cindy Sheehan, and her attendant circus clowns camped out near President Bush’s Texas ranch.

On the infantilization of the military, Steyn says:

they’re not children in Iraq; they’re thinking adults who ‘made a decision to join the Armed Forces and defend our country’. Whenever I’m on a radio show these days, someone calls in and demands to know whether my children are in Iraq. Well, not right now. They range in age from five to nine, and though that’s plenty old enough to sign up for the jihad and toddle into an Israeli pizza parlour wearing a suicide-bomb, in most advanced societies’ armed forces they prefer to use grown-ups.

That seems to be difficult for the Left to grasp. Ever since America’s all-adult, all-volunteer army went into Iraq, the anti-war crowd have made a sustained effort to characterise them as ‘children’. If a 13-year-old wants to have an abortion, that’s her decision and her parents shouldn’t get a look-in. If a 21-year-old wants to drop to the Oval Office shagpile and chow down on Bill Clinton, she’s a grown woman and free to do what she wants. But, if a 22- or 25- or 37-year old is serving his country overseas, he’s a wee ‘child’ who isn’t really old enough to know what he’s doing.

I get many emails from soldiers in Iraq, and they sound a lot more grown-up than most Ivy League professors and certainly than Maureen Dowd, who writes as if she’s auditioning for a minor supporting role in Sex and the City. The infantilisation of the military promoted by the Left is deeply insulting to America’s warriors but it suits the anti-war crowd’s purposes. It enables them to drone ceaselessly that ‘of course’ they ‘support our troops’, because they want to stop these poor confused moppets from being exploited by the Bush war machine.

And on Ms Sheehan herself? This just about sums it up:

The politics of this isn’t difficult: the more Cindy Sheehan is heard, the more obvious it is she’s a kook to whom most Americans would give a wide berth.

Don’t take my word for it, ask her family. Casey Sheehan’s grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins put out the following statement: ‘The Sheehan family lost our beloved Casey in the Iraq war and we have been silently, respectfully grieving. We do not agree with the political motivations and publicity tactics of Cindy Sheehan. She now appears to be promoting her own personal agenda and notoriety at the expense of her son’s good name and reputation. The rest of the Sheehan family supports the troops, our country, and our President, silently, with prayer and respect.’

As Steyn argues, the glorification of Cindy Sheehan is symptomatic of the advanced state of delusion of the US Democratic Party.


Blogger Chip said...

Only you have the absolute moral authority to link to this article.

I'm consistently impressed by military blogs and family of military blogs. These people understand the risks and possible rewards of the Iraq gambit far better than our self-appointed babysitter-elites.

Rather than undercutting the efforts of our soldiers, so-called liberals should send over some care packages for the (actual) children in Iraq. That's the only way to make long-term progress in the region. Our soldiers understand that better than anyone.

3:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

David, I have no idea how I could've missed the launching of your blog! Beautiful job, both in content and format. I have a lot of catching up to do...


10:21 AM  

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