Cindy Sheehan, Mother Driven Mad by Grief, or Inheritrix of an Evil Tradition?

A couple of weeks ago, LGF published this article., and then this one, and and of course, this one.Not to mention this.
That's a quick round up of "Mother Sheehan" and her motivations from this writer's point of view. Now men and women of good will ask ourselves , whether this woman is a loving mother driven mad by grief, or the Jew-hating Bitch of Crawford, in the tradition of llsa Koch and the so-called "Grand Mufti of Jerusalem". Stark raving bonkers is the nicest thing that can be said about her.
Make up your own minds. David knows what he thinks.
When my sister lost her daughter, I was taken aback at how "well" she handled it. I'm not sure that I could.
So, on the one hand, I'm willing to give Cindy Sheehan a lot of leeway for her behavior because I think she has gone insane and is being controlled by people who are terrible and soul-less.
On the other hand, I'm furious at the air time she gets from the media, while the mothers who have lost their sons and daughters in Iraq and support the war are ignored. For gawds sake, why would anyone ask Cindy what she thinks on the hurricane? When did she become a meteorologist?
Also, she has proven to be a hypocrite of the worst kind. Most striking to me was her declaration that when Bush talks about honoring the dead by continuing the fight she told him to qualify by saying, "Except Casey, and except the Gold Star Families For Peace". Then she refuses to take down the crosses of those who want her to say "Cindy does not speak for us."
in re: the blog listing... My brother is going to change it, but he hasn't had time yet (active duty army). I am a techno-retard who cannot even manage my own blogroll. :P
Thank you for that; my great uncle fought some of the worst campaings in the Pacific War in New Guinea and other parts north, one after the other. He ended up in an asylum, and his relatives would consider it dishonour to treat him as a child for doing what he beieved in his heart to be right. My Grandfather fought in Egypt and in Beersh'eva in what is now Israel; with the South Australian Light Horse - who disdinguished themselves as bloody tough horsemen with a great deal of flair. This was in WWI and they did a hell of a lot to make the ZIonist Movement, the Tsva HaHagana leYisroel work as well as it did. That's why I'm going to convince my Mother to come to Israel one day, even though she's scared as hell - even though HaNegev is one of the safest places in the middle east! Mum has another Uncle who disdinguished himself in the Pacific War, and I suppose these guys went through terrible experiences, believing what they were doing was right. So I thought that to do what she did dishonoured the memory of great and noble men who did their duty as they saw it. And it touched a raw nerve!
So it wasn't just a blast of anger - it was like that woman was laughing at all these relatives of mine stood for - for the ignoblest of reasons!
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