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Monday, October 10, 2005

20,000 - 30,000 Dead, and Pakistan Snubs Israeli Aid

Israel's offer of humanitarian aid to Pakistan has gone unanswered.

What the hell is wrong with these people?

Despite a very public warming of Israeli-Pakistani ties over the last two months, things have still not heated up enough for Islamabad to publicly accept humanitarian aid from the Jewish state.

Even though Pakistani President Pervez Musharaf called for international assistance to help his country deal with the massive earthquake that hit his country Saturday, Foreign Minister Silvan Shalom told the cabinet Sunday that Israel's offer of humanitarian aid to both Pakistan and India has as of yet gone unanswered.

A spokesman for the Indian embassy in Tel Aviv said that Pakistan was hit far worse than India by the trembler, and that India has not asked for aid. Indeed, India has offered aid to Pakistan, its long-time enemy.

Foreign Minister spokesman Mark Regev said that although no formal channels of communication exist with Pakistan, Israel has let Islamabad know of its willingness to help. He did not provide any details about what type of aid was offered.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You're exactly right, 30,000 dead. Who gives a shit if Israel is offended?

Gosh, try to get your priorities straight.

1:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who said Israel is offended? Pakistan begs for aid and then rejects it if it comes from Israel. The Pakistani leaders should get their priorities right

5:28 AM  
Blogger David said...

Get my priorities straight? Ha!

The point is not that "Israel is offended". I don't even know, or particularly care, whether anyone at all is offended.

The point is that the Pakistani Government is more interested in either (a) taking a pointless political stand against Israel or (b) not "soiling" itself by receiving Jewish aid, than in saving the lives of its people.

Israelis are quite good at saving people from piles of rubble. They've had too much practice. But the Pakistanis don't want to save lives if it means that Israelis or Jews are the ones doing the saving.

It's not me who has the warped sense of priorities.

12:34 PM  
Blogger airforcewife said...

I think the most telling thing is not that Pakistan, which caters to Muslim extremists who regularly spout anti-Jewish invective, refused Israel's aid...

But that Israel, who is regularly the target of murderers egged on by the extremists fostered in places like Pakistan and with full knowledge that some of the people who needed help have been supporting those trying to bring about the horrible demise of their country, offered to help.

Which just puts the whole "Palestine" argument into perspective.

3:04 AM  
Blogger David said...

Excellent point. Moreover I think "In vino veritas" has had a little too much vino....

5:39 PM  

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