For Airforcewife

On 31 October 1917, as part of the Sinai and Palestine campaign during World War I, the Australian 4th Light Horse Brigade, under Brigadier General William Grant, charged more than four miles at the Turkish trenches, overran them and captured the wells at Beersheba. This is often reported as the last successful cavalry charge in history.
So that's my Great-Grandfather's contribution to Israeli history. And I'm proud of it, because he was just an Aussie farmer who went out to do what he saw was the right thing! And nobody ever dared called him a child - especaially when he lived to almost 98!
David, that's terribly sweet of you.
I'll bet you're a Teddy Roosevelt fan, too.
There comes a time in every person's life (often more than once) when you have to suck up what hurts and do what is right. Doing what is right is often a far harder, longer, more intense road. We may not live to see what we work for accomplished, but we do it for our children and for the rest of humanity.
In the words of Dr. MLK, Jr. "I just want to do God's will. And he’s allowed me to go to the mountain. And I've looked over, and I've seen the promised land! I may not get there with you, but I want you to know tonight that we as a people will get to the promised land."
"We will have to repent in this generation not merely for the hateful words and actions of the bad people but for the appalling silence of the good people."
Anonymous #2, I'm an Aussie lawyer, and no doubt I'll find your blog interesting and informative. I'be often thought of heading off to the US (legally, of course) but I will make sure I check out both your sites when I have time to sit down and think about them!
As to Mr "ultimate orgasm" anonymous guy (comment number 2), I am posting from a web cafe, so I think I'll give his link a miss!
Actually anonymous, one thing we do well here is online legal resources - such as Austlii (linked to in my "Resoources" section. The SA Courts Administration Authority - - is pretty good too - from online judgments to advice to the untrained who think we do the Judge Judy thing here! Just in case you're interested!
How lovely, David!
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