No, Jerusalem is Not Holy to Muslims
Of late, I have become increasingly annoyed by repeated claims in the media, that Jerusalem (and the Al-Aska Mosque, in particular) are Islam's "third holiest site". I guess New York, as the site of the former World Trade Centre comes in at number four.
Well, I'm posting this old article by Islamic Scholar, Dr Daniel Pipes, as evidence that such claims are, in the Australian vernacular, "a crock of shit".
Bottom line?
The similarities are striking. Jews pray thrice to Jerusalem, Muslims five times daily to Mecca. Muslims see Mecca as the navel of the world, just as Jews see Jerusalem. Whereas Jews believe Abraham nearly sacrificed Ishmael's brother Isaac in Jerusalem, Muslims believe this episode took place in Mecca. The Ka‘ba in Mecca has similar functions for Muslims as the Temple in Jerusalem for Jews (such as serving as a destination for pilgrimage). The Temple and Ka‘ba are both said to be inimitable structures. The supplicant takes off his shoes and goes barefoot in both their precincts. Solomon's Temple was inaugurated on Yom Kippur, the tenth day of the year, and the Ka‘ba receives its new cover also on the tenth day of each year. If Jerusalem is for Jews a place so holy that not just its soil but even its air is deemed sacred, Mecca is the place whose "very mention reverberates awe in Muslims' hearts," according to Abad Ahmad of the Islamic Society of Central Jersey [...]
To back up this view, Palazzi notes several striking and oft-neglected passages in the Qur'an. One of them (5:22-23) quotes Moses instructing the Jews to "enter the Holy Land (al-ard al-muqaddisa) which God has assigned unto you." Another verse (17:104) has God Himself making the same point: "We said to the Children of Israel: ‘Dwell securely in the Land.'" Qur'an 2:145 states that the Jews "would not follow your qibla; nor are you going to follow their qibla," indicating a recognition of the Temple Mount as the Jews' direction of prayer. "God himself is saying that Jerusalem is as important to Jews as Mecca is to Moslems," Palazzi concludes.
His analysis has a clear and sensible implication: just as Muslims rule an undivided Mecca, Jews should rule an undivided Jerusalem.
The article is old, long, and full of scholarly detail. Many readers will be well familiar with it. Those who are not should read it, before they get taken in by Islamist nonsense to the effect that Jerusalem is holy to the "three great monotheistic religions".
Last year. I was listening to one of the FOX News shows and they interview an expert on the standoff in “Holy City” of Najaf, Iraq and the expert said that the Imam Ali Shrine is the 3rd holiest site in Islam. Further it is the holiest (i.e., #1) site in Shiite Islam.
Yeah. The cynic in me sees this as a great way to grab some desireable real estate. Declare it Holy, praise Allah!
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