כל עוד בלבב פנימה

Today's Israel news:
Limor Livnat - Defy US and Build now in Yehuda, Shomron
Bravo! And - as many others have said -"The great United States is our friend, but there are times when we have to say, even to the United States, that we will act in accordance with our interests,"
Perfidious Columbia Betrays Zion.
The ironies and contradictions in which Israel finds herself entangled today could be material for a Keystone Kops comedy if the results were not so tragic, the ramifications so gruesome.
The United States is fully mobilized fighting a global war on terror, and yet it is doing its utmost to create a terrorist utopia in the heart of Eretz Israel, the only democracy in the Middle East and its only true ally in the region.
The US has been the driving force in the creation and sustaining of a twelve-year period of negotiations between Israel and the Palestinians, a process outrageously called a "peace process", that has claimed the lives of more Israelis to Islamic terror than at any other time in her history.
But justice is harsh, even if it seems slow in coming. Just as a man sows and reaps, so nations do the same. It would appear that those nations that insist Israel continually expose their civilians to the Islamic barbarians will themselves have their civilians exposed to the same. As former Secretary of States Albright and Christopher were smugly shuttling between the US and Israel, coercing Israel to sit and make destructive agreements with Islamic terrorists, written in Jewish blood, similarly motivated warriors of Allah were plotting mass casualty attacks against America itself
"As former Secretary of States Albright and Christopher were smugly shuttling between the US and Israel, coercing Israel to sit and make destructive agreements with Islamic terrorists, written in Jewish blood, similarly motivated warriors of Allah were plotting mass casualty attacks against America itself"
And that's the rub, right there. Two nations will never agree on everything because each's first interest is their own survival. However, I do often feel that the US leadership is more than willing to publicly shake fingers at Israel (even if we are handing out aid behind the scenes) just to "improve our image."
Which is never going to improve, even if we sponsor the second coming. So why bother?
I have come to the point in my opinions where if someone's answer is, "And that's why the rest of the world hates us!" I say, "If I cared what the rest of the world thought, I would cry. See any tears?"
It's a mark of the success of years of remorseless Palestinian propaganda, absorbed and amplified by prejudiced people, that the Palestinians are not universally identified as terrorists.
Even the US has been taken in by this to some extent.
Liz, I!m typing this in a redneck bar, and I was driven hete by an Iranian driver. He suggesssted going in, and I couldn't resist some "Aisha" - you kmow, the speech beginnin "That's Haraaaaaaaam, and Alllaaah Ta'ala will punish you for watching me drink and mock the Musims!
Lucky he laughed, I suppose!
You mean Aisha lets you go out to bars?!! Or do you slip out for a drink while she's out shopping at 'Burquas 'R Us' and the hijab wholesalers?
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